Posted by Andy on November 21, 2018 at 03:03:54 user Andy.
In Reply to: Swallow Model posted by Alex on November 04, 2018 at 10:39:00:
It's mine: I'm building it!
I'll be irregularly updating the build on a couple of forums, and on The Arthur Ransome page on Facebook. As the model's for a client, I don't want to give the whole game away before it's finished.
Today? While waiting for planks to dry (it's glued lapstrake - I'm not going to put in a bazillion tiny working copper rivets) I'm casting pigs. Five small ones and a big one. The small ones are about a cubic centimetre, the big one twice that.
Regarding the keel, it is immense. Dragging 100 lbs of pigs and maybe 300 lbs of boat up a beach = hard work. As to rolling it for a careen? Forget it!
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