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Re: Why did the Admiralty summon Cdr Walker to London?

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Posted by Alan Hakim on January 21, 2019 at 04:06:44 user awhakim.

In Reply to: Re: Why did the Admiralty summon Cdr Walker to London? posted by Robin Selby on January 21, 2019 at 03:03:21:

One point that seems to have been forgotten in this thread. Owen Dudley Edwards brought it up at the TARS Literary Weekend in 2009.
Although SW is nominally set in 1932, he pointed out the fluctuating age of Bridget (a baby only two years earlier), and thought AR was thinking SW as 1939. The Best of Childhood records that on August 7, 1939, Evgenia made Arthur change the basic theme in Chapter 1 & 2, and the script didn't go to Cape's till September 7.
And who was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty in September 1939? Winston Churchill. At that time, AR was strongly against him. He must have appeared, the perfect villain, bang on cue.

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