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Re: The Dog's Home

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Posted by Mie Field on January 27, 2021 at 12:35:01 user mikefield.

In Reply to: Re: The Dog's Home posted by John Nichols on January 27, 2021 at 08:48:45:

When were you there, John? It was Rob who was my guide too. I seem to recall the back wall's having some stones missing, but as I think AR said somewhere the wall was thick enough that it didn't really matter. A few of the roof slates had been displaced too so maybe the ends of some rafters had rotted as a result and need repair.

Rob wrote an article for the Nancy Blackett Newsletter at the end of 2018, which was the last I heard of him. I emailed him a news item I thought might interest him a few months ago, but got a "no more emails please" message, apparently on his behalf, from an unknown-to-me female with a different surname. So -- mystery.

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