Posted by John Wilson on April 10, 2021 at 18:34:12 user hugo.
In Winter Holiday Nancy proposes as places to go during quarantine Spitzbergen, Alaska, and Greenland (WH10). Spitzbergen is Wild Cat Island, and High Greenland is "the country up on the fells above the tarn", as shown on the North Polar Expedition map.
But where is Alaska (the place of a gold rush)? How about High Topps, the site of Golden Gulch? (although "all that glitters is not gold"!). Winter Holiday covers expeditions to Spitzbergen and Greenland but not to Alaska. But with 28 days of quarantine not every day is covered in the book. Chapters 10 and 15 allude to this; referring to "the first three days" and that "the airing of the houseboat went on the next day and the day after that, and for many days …"
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