Posted by Alan Hakim on July 27, 2019 at 10:50:43 user awhakim.
In Reply to: Holidays posted by John Nichols on July 25, 2019 at 07:28:36:
Current English school holidays mostly began last weekend.
If you are enquiring about holidays in the 1930s in the context of the books, we discussed this in detail some months ago.
Consensus was, for the schools the S&As were at:
Autumn - 3rd week September till mid-December
Winter - four weeks later (i.e. mid-January) till shortly before Easter
Summer - early May till mid-July.
Exceptionally early or late Easter could disrupt this pattern. For the years that concern us (1930-33) that could apply in 1930 (Apr 20) and 1932 (March 27). CC is the only book set in the Easter holidays.
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